Sample Discovery Box

Do you love discovering new fragrances by sampling?

With our sample Discovery Box subscription, you’ll receive the newest, most trending scents that hit the market from the comfort of your home every month!

By monitoring social media mentions, search queries, customer reviews, etc. we measure and select the most trending fragrances every month, which we then split into samples to share with our subscribers.

This way, every subscriber’s nose is kept up to date of the most viral, must-try scents throughout the year! 

Your fragrance knowledge will improve and you’ll know exactly which full-size bottles are worth upgrading to.


– Fragrance samples come in 1ml atomisers which last ±15 sprays. 

– Each month will contain between 5 – 10 individual 1ml samples to test, as the quantity will depend on the cost of each fragrance.

– All fragrance samples are 100% authentic and are extracted / decanted hygienically with syringes.

– Subscription can be cancelled anytime.